<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% '************************************************************************ '* Complaint Form - Takes a complaint and saves to comma delimited file * '* Created: 9/6/00 - SF --- orig. form by Tim '************************************************************************ '**** Define fields *** dim bld dim street dim name dim city dim zip dim strOperation dim cType '**** If initial request - restore from cookies *** if Request.Form("subReq") = "" then do_RestoreState else ' *** else - sumit button pushed - write answers to file, save to cookie, show the user *** do_writeFile do_SaveState do_RestoreState end if %> Internet Complaint Form
Alliance of Residents Concerning O'Hare Inc.
A Not for Profit Organization

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Chicago O'Hare International Airport

Aircraft Noise Complaint Form

Date of Noise Event:
Time of Noise Event: <% dim numHour dim strPM numHour = hour(now()) if numHour > 12 then numHour = numHour - 12 strPM = "PM" end if ' Response.write "debug: " & numHour %> :
Name (optional):
House-or-Building #:
Street Name:
Type of Operation:
Complaint Type: