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Airport and Aviation Noise

Aircraft Noise Protest
Regarding Perth Airport in western Australia.

Airport Communities Coalition (ACC)
The ACC is committed to stopping a third runway at Sea-Tac Airport and improving quality of life near the airport.

Airport Neighbors Alliance
Louisville, Kentucky.

Airport Neighbors Decide
Columbus, Ohio.

Airport Noise
Airport Noise was created to supply up to date information on citizens' rights and the expansion of Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina. In the Fall of 1998 Federal Express targeted Greensboro for an operations hub.

Alliance for a New Moffett Field
The Alliance for a New Moffett Field is comprised of volunteers from nearby California communities. Their goal is to promote an open and democratic process to determine the future of Moffett Field and to ensure that this valuable resource will serve the interests of their communities, preserving and enhancing their quality of life.

Alliance of Residents Concerning O'Hare (AReCO)
AReCO is a grass roots organization made up of residents that are affected by noise, pollution and safety concerns caused by O'Hare International Airport located in Chicago, Illinois.

Bankstown and Environs Airport Resistance
Group in the Sydney Basin, Australia.

Branchburg/Readington Airport Coalition (BRAAC)
BRAAC is fighting the expansion of the privately owned Solberg Airport which may receive public funding for the expansion.
P.O. Box 5254
North Branch, NJ 08876

Citizens for the Abatement of Aircraft Noise (CAAN)
CAAN is a coalition of citizens from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. They are working to reduce the aircraft noise associated with Washington National Airport and Dulles International Airport. CAAN publishes a newsletter periodically which also appears on its website.

Citizens Against Airport Pollution (CAAP)
Citizens Against Airport Pollution is working toward planning for an airport that meets the needs of the citizens--environmentally as well as economically. CAAP's mission is to encourage planning processes that decrease noise at the source, address air quality impacts, and do not promote additional traffic gridlock in the Silicon Valley.
P.O. Box 26142
San Jose, CA 95159
408 - 297 - 9753

Citizens Concerned About Jet Noise (CCAJN)
CCAJN is composed of government employees, government retirees, and civilians who live and work in the community surrounding Oceana Naval Air Station and Fentress Field in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The goal of CCAJN is to minimize noise from Navy jets and its impact on the local community while continuing to support the needs of the Naval Aviation Units.

Citizens Fed-Up with Aviation Noise (CFAN)
CFAN is a group dedicated to improving the "quality of life in the Seattle and Urban King County area by employing the most effective methods possible for minimizing the impacts of aviation noise upon citizens."

Citizens for Safe and Healthy Communities
Orange County, California.

Citizens for the Abatement of Aircraft Noise

Washington D.C. metro area organization concerned about aircraft noise and air pollution.  Fighting for a quieter and healthier environment in the Washington community.


Citizens for a Quality of Life

Citizens for a Quality of Life is a non-profit organization, without political affiliation, supported by volunteer citizens from various municipalities and districts, on and around the island of Montreal.

Citizens United of Burbank
Burbank, California.

Coalition Against Runway 2 (CAR2)
The Coalition Against Runway 2 (CAR2) was formed to oppose proposals for a second runway at Manchester Airport in Great Britain.

Communities Against Runway Expansion (CARE)
A coalition of cities and towns that oppose the plan of MASSPORT to construct a new runway at Logan International Airport in Boston.

Concerned Residents Against Airport Pollution

Jet Air Pollution website is a community service, concentrating on the area around the Santa Monica Airport in  California . However, we recognize that air and noise pollution from jet aircraft is a national and global issue, and we invite all, who are interested, to use this website.

El Toro Airport Info Site
This web site brings together the many groups concerned with proposed reuse of El Toro, California Marine Corps Air Station as an international airport.

The Environmental Organisation, Copenhagen
The Environmental Organsation is fighting to protect the environment and reduce pollution from Copenhagen airport, Denmark.

French National Union Against Aircraft Noise and Pollution (UFCNA)
This group fights aviation noise, air pollution, and the risk of aircraft accidents in France. The site is in French and English, with an English database of aircraft noise information.

German Federal Organization Against Aircraft/Airport Noise
This site is in German with some English.

Greensboro Airport Noise
Site created by Donaldson and Black, Attorneys, in North Carolina.

Heathrow Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise (HACAN)
This group is working to reject the BAA's Proposal for a fifth terminal at Heathrow and to create a night flight ban.
P.O. Box 339
Richmond Surrey

LACG is a group of citizens dedicated to the preservation/improvement of our health, safety, property values and quality of life as affected by the Livermore Municipal Airport and the aviation activity associated with the airport in Livermore California. 

League for the Hard of Hearing "Airport and Aircraft Noise Center"

Move Against Relocating Choppers Here (MARCH)
Formed in 1995, MARCH is comprised of community leaders and concerned residents living in San Diego County, CA. Their goal is to stop the planned relocation of at least 112 USMC helicopters to Miramar Air Station.

National Helicopter Noise Coalition (NHNC)
The NHNC publishes a newsletter to keep helicopter noise activists informed and updated on aviation noise. The newsletter includes action alerts for pending legislation relevant to the fight against helicopter noise.
PO Box 260205
Encino, CA 91426

National Organization to Insure a Sound-Controlled Environment (NOISE)
The National Organization to Insure a Sound-Controlled Environment (NOISE) is an association of local governments, community organizations, and interested parties whose mission is to reduce aviation noise and the detrimental impacts on local communities by working at the national level for sound federal aviation policies.

Coalition against the expansion of Bierset Airport in Belgium.

Noise Free America
PO Box 15620,  New Orleans, Louisiana 70175,  504-862-8316, Noise Free America is dedicated to fighting noise pollution, especially from boom cars, motorcycles, leaf blowers, and car alarms. Noise Free America has many local chapters, issues a monthly "Noisy Dozen" award, and has three radio public service announcements.

Noise Network
The Noise Network is a voluntary organization actively trying to raise awareness on noise and promote peace and quiet.

No More Noise
This site is hosted by a coalition of groups fighting the noise impacts of air cargo expansion at Oakland International Airport. The site offers legal and technical information on airport noise issues.

Notgemainschaft (Hamburg Airport, Germany)
The Notgemeinschaft is the oldest citizens' group opposing the airport Hamburg-Fuhlsb�ttel. Noise from the European inner city airport impacts more than 400,000 citizens. The website is partly in German, partly in English.

Olmsted Falls Airport Committee
The Olmsted Falls Airport Committee is fighting the city of Cleveland and the Cleveland Ohio Hopkins International Airport, which is in the process of expanding its facilities. The OFAC's concerns are focused on the increased noise created by expansion, the proposed 12,500 foot runways, their growth toward Olmsted Falls, and the resulting impact on the city.

People Over Planes
Group based in Contra Costa County, California.

Perth Airport Aircraft Noise Exposure
Residents affected by aircraft noise around Perth Airport, Western Australia, have formed PAANE to oppose the Perth Airport Master Plan, which proposes building a new parallel runway and an increase in usage of the existing main runway.

Quiet Skies, a community coalition supported by citizens and government.The primary mission of Quiet Skies is to hold the FAA accountable for the unnecessary rerouting of Sky Harbor, Scottsdale and Deer Valley airport traffic over previously unaffected areas. The NW 2000 rerouting has negatively impacted the quality of life of thousands of NE Valley Arizona.

RDU Noise Committee
Regarding Raleigh-Durham Airport in North Carolina.

Regional Commission on Airport Affairs
The Regional Commission on Airport Affairs is a coalition of citizens groups concerned with airport expansion and air transportation issues, and in particular, expansion of the Seattle / Tacoma (Sea-Tac) airport.

Residents Opposed to Airport Racket (ROAR)
ROAR is an 800 member citizens group fighting aviation noise from the Minneapolis / St.Paul Metropolitan Airport.

The Right Price For Air Travel Campaign
The Right Price for Air Travel is a Friends of the Earth Europe campaign to reduce aviation's environmental impact. The campaign unites environment and citizen's groups all over Europe. The campaign's main aim is to reduce the environmental impact of air traffic, by introducing financial measures needed to ensure that air traffic pays for the environmental damage it causes and that it is taxed like other forms of transport.

San Francisco Airport Roundtable
The San Francisco Airport/Community Roundtable monitors a performance-based noise mitigation program, interprets community concerns, and attempts to achieve noise mitigation through a cooperative sharing of authority.

San Lorenzo Citizens Against Airport Noise
Regarding Hayward Airport in California.

Sane Aviation For Everyone (SAFE)
SAFE is a coalition of independent citizens groups and individuals in the greater Metro New York region, who are seeking to save the neighborhoods of the greater New York Metropolitan area from the devastation of aircraft generated noise and other pollutants. Their goal is to implement a Sustainable, Accountable, Feasible and Equitable aviation policy.

Save Our Skies
SOS seeks to improve the quality of life for those living around Indianapolis Airport.

Save Our Skies (Australia)
Group based in Sydney.

Seattle Council on Airport Affairs (SCAA)
The SCAA is an association of individuals, community-based organizations, and other entities, located primarily in Seattle, that are concerned about the increasing negative impact on the quality of life of the region by airport and aviation operations.

Regarding Hanscom Field in Concord, MA.

South Metro Airport Action Council (SMAAC)
SMAAC is an organization of concerned citizens committed to stabilizing and preserving the south metro residential community by monitoring and advocating positions on environmental and economic issues generated by Minneapolis/St. Paul airport.
5116 Columbus Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55417

St. Charles Citizens Against Aircraft Noise
In St. Charles, Missouri.

Stop 14/32
In Boston, Massachussetts.

Taxpayers for Responsible Planning (TRP)
Mesa, Arizona.

Third Runway Protest
Regarding Sydney Airport in Australia.

UPROAR is a regional group focusing on the San Francisco Airport and its impacts on communities located on the San Francisco Peninsula. Their main concerns include the threat of airport expansion, airport pollution and safety issues, and protecting quality of life and real estate values within the communities surrounding the airport. UPROAR formed to object to existing ineffective procedures for reducing air traffic and noise, and to fight bureaucratic entities which advance the increase in air traffic as a means to increase revenues and tourist trade.

Van Nuys Airport Citizens Advisory Council
Information on the proposed expansion of Van Nuys Airport.

Victims of Airport Expansion (Indianapolis Airport)
This site discusses how the Indianapolis Airport and expansion plan affects hundreds of Hoosier households, places of worship, nature/recreational areas and quality of life.

West London Friends of the Earth
This site discusses expansion at Heathrow Airport, Great Britain.

Community Noise (All Sources)

Neighbors Against Noxious Odors Incessant Sounds and Emissions (Neighbors Against NOISE)
Neighbors Against NOISE is a neighborhood organization of people who live and work in New York City's Tribeca West Historic District. They use education, activism, and indentification of noise sources to eliminate harmful noise and other hazardous environmental pollution from commercial machinery installed in neighborhood buildings. For more information, contact Tim Lannan.

NoiseWatch (formerly Citizens' Coalition Against Noise) is a non-profit volunteer organization based in Toronto, Canada, dedicated to raising public awareness of the negative effects of noise. They provide information and assistance to anyone affected by noise pollution.

Right to Peace and Quiet Campaign
P. O. Box 968
London, England SE2 9RL
Tel. (011) 081-312-9997

Right to Quiet Society for Soundscape Awareness and Protection
Right to Quiet is a membership organization working against noise pollution and for the recognition of our "Right to Quiet."

Sound Rights: Citizens for a Quieter Environment
Sound Rights is a grass roots organization devoted to the protection of everyone's right to a quiet environment, and the restriction and regulation of unwanted and unnecessary noise in the city of Seattle.
P.O. Box 4665
Seattle, WA 98104

Stop Neighbourhood Noise Pollution
This site provides the basics on noise and the physical effects of noise. It also provides tips on how to deal with neighbour noise problems and offers suggestions on what one can do to prevent noise pollution.

Safety, Health, and Hearing Organizations

American Tinnitus Association
Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no external sound is present; it is often referred to as "ringing in the ears." The goal of the ATA is to "promote relief, prevention, and the eventual cure of tinnitus for the benefit of present and future generations."

Better Hearing Institute
This site is the Better Hearing Institute's "Hearing Help-On-Line." It provides comprehensive information on hearing loss, tinnitus, and hearing aids, as well as a directory of hearing care providers (audiologists, hearing instrument specialists, and otolaryngologists).

The Center to Protect Workers' Rights
The Center to Protect Workers' Rights is the nonprofit research arm of the Building and Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO. CPWR focuses on construction worker safety and health as a means to assess and encourage improvement in working conditions and industry productivity. Website features include worker protection "hazard alerts" for environmental pollutants (including noise in construction), available in English and Spanish.

The Council on the Environment of New York City
Contains information on noise and how to protect yourself from it.

European Commission Concerted Action on Protection Against Noise
The Institute of Laryngology and Otology, University College London.

The Farm Noise and Hearing Network
The Farm Noise and Hearing Network, located in South Australia, is a group of farmers and health professionals including Speech Pathologists, Audiologists, Community Nurses and Hearing Advisers. They aim to promote hearing conservation in rural communities. The website has several useful fact sheet relating to acoustics and agricultural noise.

Hearing Education & Awareness for Rockers (HEAR)
Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the real dangers of repeated exposure to excessive noise levels from amplified sound which can lead to permanent, and sometimes debilitating, hearing loss and tinnitus.

House Ear Institute
The House Ear Institute is a hearing research institute named after Dr. Howard P. House. The Institute is dedicated to developing knowledge about hearing and related disorders, and sharing that knowledge with others so that people's lives may be improved.

League for the Hard of Hearing
The League for the Hard of Hearing is the oldest hearing rehabilitation agency in the country, offering a comprehensive program of services to enable individuals to better function in a hearing world. The League also has a Noise Center, and is an important sponsor of International Noise Awareness Day.

National Campaign For Hearing Health
The National Campaign For Hearing Health is sponsored by the Deafness Research Foundation. A primary goal of the campaign is to advocate for the expectation that all hearing loss and tinnitus can be medically ended, and that private funding for research to achieve this objective is a national priority.

National Hearing Conservation Association
The mission of the National Hearing Conservation Association is to prevent hearing loss due to noise and other environmental factors in all sectors of society. NHCA purposes include hearing education, research, exchange of information, development of improved occupational hearing conservation programs,and to develop guidelines and standards for hearing protection.

National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders
The National Institute on Deafness and Communication Disorders is a project of the National Institutes of Health. The website contains hearing health information, descriptions of current research, and information on their new public information campaign to prevent noise-induced hearing loss.

Noise Pollution Clearinghouse

Noise Pollution Clearinghouse is a national non-profit organization with extensive online noise related resources.

The Royal National Institute for Deaf People
The Institute is located in London with regional offices throughout the United Kingdom. They are an education and lobbying organization representing the 8.7 million people in the UK who are deaf or hard of hearing. Their efforts include a "noise at work" campaign.

Self Help For the Hard Of Hearing (SHHH)
SHHH and its members are catalysts that make mainstream society more accessible to people who are hard of hearing. They strive to improve the quality of hard of hearing people's lives though education, advocacy and self help.

The Sight and Hearing Association
The Sight & Hearing Association is a nonprofit organization serving Minnesota. Through effective screening and research, they educate the public on how they can prevent needless vision and hearing loss.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy
Dr. Pawel Jastreboff of the University of Maryland Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Center uses a device that resembles a hearing aid to help people with tinnitus (ringing in the ears). Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT), employs a combination of low level noise and counseling to retrain the tinnitus sufferer's neurological functions, such that in twelve to eighteen months the patient is no longer aware of his condition.

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