ARCO Flight Tracks
May, 1997
Vol. 4, Issue 4
Your source for information concerning
events and issues involving O'Hare Airport
Your Voice Is Heard
O'Hare Found to be Major Water Polluter
NBC Network and Mutual Radio featured O’Hare
Airport surface water and ground water pollution on Earth Day. For two months,
NBC has been investigating this story and has aired a series of newscasts and a
NBC Radio correspondent Ross Simpson, in
interviews with ARCO officials and area residents, has confirmed that O’Hare
Airport officials, with the knowledge of the FAA, who has been responsible for
the environment around the airport, have been polluting our water with unknown
amounts of hazardous chemicals, likely jeopardizing residents’ health and our
water supply.
As a result of O’Hare Airport’s pollution,
the Illinois EPA has found chemicals in the water that are a serious potential
health hazard to humans, pets and wildlife.
It appears that possibly for decades, O’Hare
has been polluting residents’ drinking water and our waterways with millions
of gallons of deicing fluids sprayed on the planes annually. Some of these
dangerous deicing chemicals and other airport pollutants are also known
The pollutants are found in nearby creeks which
empty into the Des Planes River. Residents from nearby communities confirm that
they see unnaturally colored water, smell strong and unusual odors, that the
fumes make them sick and the water kills the wildlife. This is consistent with
the discharging of airport deicing and anti-icing fluid pollution. It is also
suspected that the pollution has seeped into the underground water table and
that contaminants could be found in area wells.
Even though internal Chicago reports dating
back to at least 1990 acknowledge the problem, it was not until November 1996,
when Chicago finally bowed to pressure from environmental groups that anything
was done. To date little has been done.
What is occurring here is also similar to
problems reported at other airports. Debbi DesMaris, president of CASE, a
citizen’s organization based in Seattle Washington, states "It is high
time this issue is brought to the forefront. Hopefully, our officials will react
in an immediate, proper and adequate manner to protect public health." CASE
has previously filed a Clean Water Act lawsuit in conjunction with Waste Action
Project against Port of Seattle’s SEA-TAC International Airport. Another
airport activist is Stephen F. Debreceny, who lives in a community located near
Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI). He states "Saw Mill
Creek, which once supported a thriving fish habitat and is now the subject of
the Governor’s restoration program, is used by BWI for disposal of hazardous
and toxic pollutants and is effectively an open-air chemical sewer."
ARCO director Jack Saporito stated
"O’Hare is an entity, it is the source polluting our water. It could be
considered a toxic waste site, suitable for Superfund cleanup. All that is
necessary to know is that deicing chemicals from O’Hare’s major contaminants
are in our water supply...and, How long will it take to clean it up?"
In drawing a comparison between airplane
deicing fluids and automotive antifreeze, John Kieca, a certified master
mechanic, expressed his frustration by stating that "Everyone knows you
don’t throw this stuff down the sewer. If I did it, it would be a $10,000 fine
and up to two years in jail. How can a government agency, who is supposed to be
protecting us, allow millions of gallons of glycols to be thrown down the
The IEPA and US-EPA have been responsive to
ARCO’s concerns, but acknowledge that the FAA is the agency that is
responsible for the environment around airports. It is now time for the FAA to
step aside and let the EPA do their job to protect our health and environment.
We need immediate action from government officials and the Environmental
Protection Agency.
O'Hare Toxins in your water? What Next?
Deicing fluids from O’Hare airport are making
their way into local waterways. The fluids, at least 3.1 million gallons of
them, are mainly composed of ethylene glycol (antifreeze), propylene glycol, and
additives known to cause cancer. ARCO’s officers were interviewed for an NBC
Network Radio report that was aired nationwide on April 22 regarding this issue.
NBC became interested in the topic after large amounts of plane deicing fluids
were found in Baltimore waterways near the airport, in a WILDLIFE preservation
area. Upon investigating the discharge of deicing fluids in the Chicago area,
ARCO discovered that glycols were present in Bensenville Ditch, Willow Creek,
Crystal Creek. The Illinois EPA provided us with data which indicated that there
is indeed deicing fluid present in local waterways. They say the amount of
glycols in the water is minimal, but their own data shows it could be much
higher on days the water wasn’t sampled. Ross Simpson, an NBC reporter, ARCO
director Jack Saporito and ARCO member Charles Miller personally observed the
polluted water.
While the EPA has pushed Chicago, the
owner-operator of O’Hare airport, to solve this problem, it is far from
solved. Residents living on the southeast side of the airport note neon-colored
water, persistent foam on the surface, noxious smells near the creek and, large
numbers of dead fish and birds. Since there is no clear alternative source, and
we know that at least some deicing fluid is present in the water, we conclude
that glycols are the likely source of the residents’ complaints. Plans have
been proposed to contain the deicing fluids, but we don’t think they go far
At present, much of the deicing fluid, which
runs off the planes for at least 210 days per year, flows into Lake O’Hare
after it rains. The trouble is, Lake O’Hare is an expanded natural lake. That
means it has no cap and has no bottom other than clay soil. Our concern is that
while glycols break down naturally, they only do this when large amounts of air
and sunlight are present. We want to know how much ethylene glycol, propylene
glycol, and cancer-causing additives are present in the clay and in the ground
water. It is likely that people with wells who live near O’Hare are drinking
deicing chemicals. There is a distinct possibility that these hazardous
substances have accumulated in the soil for at least 40 years. The problem is,
nobody knows the amounts and the effects on people’s health which result from
these chemicals, because nobody has investigated.
(ed. note: ARCO is calling for studies of the
ground water, soil, and health of the residents who live near O’Hare. The
problem is, unlike other similar environmental groups in other areas, we have no
money to study this issue ourselves. In the name of your own health, can you
contribute technical expertise or test water samples? If you have well water,
you may be at significant risk if you live near the airport. Have you had your
water tested? Call 630/415-3370
Help us protect the public health by insisting
that these studies be performed. Insist that the plans are completed as quickly
as possible and are done RIGHT.)
Bits and Pieces...
April 30 is International Noise Awareness Day.
Do you realize that noise from airplanes and
other implements of modern life are a major cause of hearing loss in this
country? Did you know that noise pollution causes high blood pressure, mental
illnesses, stress, miscarriage and other serious health problems, even in people
who don’t think that noise bothers them? Most people think that noise can
simply be ignored, so people who find noise distressing are often judged to be
"oversensitive". The truth is that EVERYONE’s health is impacted by
the increasing noise of modern life. People need peace and quiet.
What can be done about noise pollution? What
about noise from planes? Since the individual has no control over this noise,
the solutions must come from the only environmental agency which used to have
jurisdiction over vehicular noise. The Office of Noise Abatement and Control,
part of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), started investigating the
control of noise under the Quiet Communities Act of 1978. Unfortunately, funding
for noise abatement was discontinued just as progress was being made through
laws requiring quieter airplane engines and before studies for noise’s effects
on health could be completed.
You can help to get noise abatement restored.
Write your congressional representative and ask him or her to support HR 536,
the Quiet Communities Act of 1997, which would reinstitute this important
mission of the EPA. Nobody but Congress has the power to develop ways to protect
our health from excessive noise. If you think this bill is unnecessary, you are
likely to become one of over 20 million Americans with noise-induced hearing
loss. Even if you are hard of hearing, excessive noise can still ruin your
health. It’s your choice. Act now.
To further support this issue, on April 30,
give your ears a rest and take the 60 seconds silence test from 2:15 - 2:16 p.m.
This one-minute period will highlight the impact noise has on hearing and
health. -Paula Cowan, MD ARCO Medical Director.
Airport Expansion - Opposition Worldwide
In Manchester England, the Coalition Against
Runway 2, an ARCO sister group, are protesting a new runway by risking life and
limb. Camping out in woods, they are ready to jump into 30 ft. deep tunnels in
order to stop the bulldozers.
They have been arrested and harassed. The good
news is that they have won their most recent legal round in court. Their next
court date is May 15. We will keep you updated. In Japan on April 8, two
explosions were reported at the home of a Transport Ministry official in charge
of aviation. It appeared to be a time bomb attack against expansion of Narita
airport, police said. No one was injured. A group opposing expansion are now
calling for the airport to be closed.
Upcoming Events
- May1, ARCO Meeting, Heritage Park 7:30 PM
- June 3, ARCO Meeting, Heritage Park 7:30 PM
(Heritage Park is located at Fernandez and
Victoria in Arlington Heights, IL- USA)
24 Hour Noise Hotline
Whenever noise affects your quality of life,
call this Hotline:
Governor’s Office..........800/642-3112
Note: ARCO Flight Tracks is published by the
Alliance of Residents Concerning O'Hare, Inc. If you would like to become a
member, or recieve our newsletter, call, or write to the address below. Annual
membership is only $10.00 per household. Comments and questions should be sent
ARCO, Inc.
PO Box 1702
Arlington Heights, IL 60006-1702
Phone: 630/415-3370