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From US Citizens Aviation Watch:
Click here to sign a petition to show your support for an airport expansion moratorium, comprehensive health study, and meaningful relief from aviation related pollution.
From AReCO:
AReCO Demands Environmental Protection for Airport
Expansion 5-11-2024
More Flights Per Day at O'Hare by Summer 2000
AReCO Response to 500 More
Flights Per Day at O'Hare by Summer 2000
Foam from O'Hare Spills into Des Plaines River
Update: Aviation Industry Confirms Our Forecasts
Industry Update: Aviation Industry Confirms Our Forecasts: Part 2
Industry Update: Aviation Industry Confirms Our Forecasts:
Part 3
From Congress:
GAO Study Links Aircraft Emissions to Global
Warming, February 2000
Statement from the President, September 1999
from Congressman Porter, August 1999
Letter from Congressman Crane, July 1999
See how the U.S. House voted on HR 1000 (the FAA
Reauthorization Bill).
This controversial legislation, that favors the aviation industry, will
massively increase flights into our nations airports. Among other bad
proposals in the bill, it:
NOTE: The industry and government have already acknowledged serious
environmental, public health and other quality of life problems that are just becoming a major focus. As much as 70% of the nation's population health could be affected by the
serious and deadly, hazardous and toxic air pollution that is released by airports and aircraft.
See how your member
of Congress voted on HR 1000.
To view the full bill and
its status, click here and do a search for HR1000.
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